Our medals & awards
Our wines are awarded medals by national and international wine competitions and magazines. Medal winning wines are judged on 4 primary elements: color (appearance), aroma (smell), flavor (taste) and overall impression.
Jerome Choblet wines have been judged by the world’s largest and most influential competitions and wine experts such as the Decanter World Wine Awards (DWWA), Wine Enthusiast, International Wine Challenge, Guide Hachette des vins and many more.
Our wines are judged by the world’s top wine experts, who are internationally trusted for their rigorous judging process.
The medals are important to us because they are:
- Indicators of quality and a tasting experience validated by independent third parties
- Medals drive sales and are consumer friendly. Medal-winning wines allow consumers to quickly identify award-winning wines selected by experts
- Recognizer of the hard work and dedication we put into making quality wines at Jerome Choblet
Finally, the medals are direct evidence of the quality of our wines and our expertise. The medals are used for internal communication as well as by our distributors and partners. They enable us to make a major external marketing effort and allow consumers to immediately recognize the quality of the wine.

Click on the logo to discover the winning wines: